Secure StakingPortfolio TrackingCrypto Analytics

StakeSeeker is an innovative cryptocurrency dashboard and non-custodial staking-as-a-service platform that empowers crypto holders to manage and grow their digital assets through APIs and staking. The platform provides a unique solution for users to easily track and analyze the performance of their entire portfolio, regardless of where their crypto holdings are stored.
What is Staking?NetworksStart Staking
*Created by a third party and included only for illustrative purposes to further assist viewers in developing a general understanding of staking.
Simply link exchanges and wallets where your crypto is held.
Monitor your consolidated crypto portfolio performance in a central dashboard.
Track staking rewards and trading activity history.
Analyze your crypto performance with a suite of data analytic and reporting tools.
Delegate your crypto to StakeSeeker validators to participate in networks and earn rewards.

StakeSeeker Supported Networks

Earn rewards by staking with StakeSeeker validators. We currently secure and operate validator nodes on the following blockchain protocols:
*Stated Annual Percentage Reward (APR) is estimated based based on reported network data. APRs stated are not guaranteed and exclude StakeSeeker’s validator fee.

What Is Staking?

Staking is an easy way for you to earn rewards on your Proof-of-Stake based crypto holdings while supporting the growth and operations of blockchain networks.

Stakers earn rewards as an incentive to commit (or ``lock``) their crypto tokens on a blockchain network for a period of time. By staking with a network validator node (such as a StakeSeeker validator), you help secure, govern, and participate in the blockchain’s consensus mechanism.

*Created by a third party and included only for illustrative purposes to further assist viewers in developing a general understanding of staking.

How to stake with StakeSeeker?

  • Proof-of-Stake Crypto

    We are not an exchange and don’t sell crypto. In order to stake with us you must already own crypto eligible for staking and have a wallet in order to store your rewards.

  • Register on StakeSeeker

    Create an account with StakeSeeker and link it to your exchange accounts and digital wallet addresses. Registration for StakeSeeker platform is not required to Delegate to StakeSeeker nodes.

  • Delegate

    Choose from numerous networks that StakeSeeker supports and follow the instructions on how to begin staking your crypto to our validator nodes. Users of the StakeSeeker platform are not restricted from delegating to other third-party validator nodes.

  • Earn Rewards

    Staking rewards are accumulated and distributed by the networks directly to your wallet (frequencies may vary based on blockchain). Track rewards earned on staked assets on StakeSeeker's platform.

Non-Custodial Staking

Users have full control over custody of their staked assets.

Earn Staking Rewards

Staking instructional support. AutoStake enabled compounding on select networks.

Crypto Analytics

Evaluate and track aggregate crypto portfolio holdings and performance.

Secure API

API-driven connection to crypto exchanges.

Why stake with StakeSeeker?

StakeSeeker is brought to you by BTCS Inc. BTCS is a Nasdaq listed company operating in the blockchain technology space since 2014 and is the first “Pure Play” U.S. publicly traded company focused on blockchain infrastructure and technology. The Company’s management team brings years of experience and is focused on providing an innovative platform for crypto users to maximize their portfolio tracking capabilities and learn how to earn rewards on proof-of-stake blockchain networks through our Stake Hub.
Start StakingAbout BTCS

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Proof of Stake and Staking?

Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchains use staking as the consensus mechanism for securing the networks through transaction validation by a decentralized ecosystem of validator nodes.

  1. Crypto holdings are committed to a validator node on blockchain network, acting as your “stake” (similar to collateral) locked while actively participating in the network.
    1. PoS blockchains require this proof of stake to be put at risk in order to guarantee legitimacy of transactions the validator node is verifying and ensure good behavior by validator nodes
  2. Rewards of newly minted tokens are earned in return for good validator performance and successful validation of transactions and addition of blocks to the blockchains
  3. Staked funds can be penalized, or slashed, if a validator node is unavailable or acts maliciously.
    1. This is why it’s important to join a trusted validator node, like those run by StakeSeeker.

What are staking rewards?

Users can earn staking rewards in the form of native tokens as an incentive for acquiring and holding cryptocurrencies and committing them to blockchain network as part of staking operations for a period of time. The longer digital assets are staked, the greater the earning potential. Staking rewards can be claimed and re-staked in order to compound future staking rewards.

What are the costs of staking?

We may charge a small validator fee on any rewards earned by delegated tokens staked on StakeSeeker validator nodes. Validator fee percentages may vary depending on the blockchain network but may average 5%. These validator fees support the costs of running and maintaining our validator nodes to ensure optimal performance and maximize earnings potential.

What are the risks of staking?

To ensure that validator nodes participating in a PoS network behave as intended, many protocols enforce penalties if a node does not adhere to pre-defined rules, experiences downtime or acts maliciously. Staked funds that act as collateral are subject to risk and can be penalized by being slashed, or taken by the network as a fee for bad behavior. Other forms of penalties including excluding a misbehaving node from participating in the protocol, or temporarily lowering the rewards stakers receive. Such penalties pose the main risk of participating in staking.

What is meant by delegation?

Blockchain networks that support Delegated Proof of Stake (“DPoS”) allow token holders to participate in the network by selecting trustworthy validator nodes to “delegate” the rights of their tokens. Validator nodes utilize the cumulative staked assets on the network to increase probability of verifying transactions and earning staking rewards. The process of delegation is non-custodial, which means that it only involves the temporary assignment of the rights of the tokens held by users and does not require any transfer of custody of the tokens held.

How does custody for staking work?

Our platform’s API’s are built on public key data and staking with our validator nodes involves a process called delegation. Users are free to undelegate your tokens at any time, subject to the lock-up requirements specified by the protocols of each respective network.

How do I get started?

Simply click the “Start Staking” button at the top right and create an account with StakeSeeker. You will be able to  gain access to the platform’s crypto portfolio insights and begin tracking staking activities. Within the platform, you will find instructions / tutorials on how to link APIs to your crypto exchange accounts and digital wallets and navigate the platform’s resources. You will also find staking instructions on how to navigate staking capabilities of supported digital wallets and locate our validator nodes to delegate to.

What if I want to stake a token not currently supported by the StakeSeeker platform?

We are continuously evaluating blockchains to add to StakeSeeker. We welcome any requests or feedback on the platform’s offerings in order to continue to improve the user experience and create value. Please click the “Help” button at the top right and let us know what tokens are you interested in.